Heart of a warrior womAn
Heart of a Warrior Woman (HOWW) is not a traditional support group. It is a hub of information, a place where mothers of children who struggle with drug and alcohol misuse to learn about multiple paths to recovery.
Our retreats provide connectivity, a forum for moms to gather to gain insight and strength, but most importantly find hope, on this often isolating and painful journey.
Warrior Women are united.
Greeting Cards - Visit Our Shop to Purchase
When you are at a loss for words…. we help you to make the connection.
Our cards are designed for and by mothers who have lost children to substance use disorder.
The art featured was created by those supporting a loved one in the journey or those in recovery themselves.
“We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.”
Kavita Ramdas
Allyson talks about how rehabs could better support families and why many moms are losing faith in treatment as a viable option for recovery.